31 December 2015
Splash - December 2015

26 December 2015
Christmas, 2015
18 December 2015
Stockings, 2015
This picture does not do these stockings justice. You are all invited to my house to view them in person and appreciate their beauty. Ma outdid herself this year. Each stocking has a different Santa, a different border, a different toe design....all backed in crushed red velvet. I love them, Ma. This kids asked if Santa was going to fill them and I said absolutely not. I will treasure them. Thank you, Ma, for all your hours of stitching our Christmas stockings.
15 December 2015
Rachel is a high school graduate!
10 December 2015
Dance Wall
29 November 2015
Splash - November 2015
27 October 2015
Just a Friday at school.....
26 October 2015
Splash - October 2015
24 October 2015
Happy Halloween, 2015
Happy Halloween - this year we celebrated a week early at the trunk or treat at church. Rachel was working, so she missed out on the fun. We had a pirate theme - each auxiliary had a booth for games and we enjoyed a pot luck dinner of hot dogs and chips. Primary's (I'm in the primary presidency) booth was to dig for buried treasure - ie, gold chocolates in deer corn in a kiddie pool with palm trees. Elder's Quorum (James is in that presidency) did a pirate ship cannon shoot. He was in charge of rocking the ship while the kids got to shoot cannon balls at the attacking sharks. So cool.
23 October 2015
Cute Kid Quote, Josephine
Mom, she says: you can put your Walmart sacs in that bin over there to recycle them.
Yes, I said. Sure.
Josephine went on: I just read it and figured that out. When I was younger I thought it was a place to put your teeth when you lost them.
Look at the picture this time and tell me if you don't think that the tooth fairy now has a lost tooth recycling bin at Walmart?
Kids are so great.
17 October 2015
Homecoming, 2015

10 October 2015
Red Dragons, Soccer Fall 2015
02 October 2015
Josephine is Eleven!
At eleven, Josephine is in the fifth grade. Middle school. She is on a team that rotates classes through three teachers. It's a good middle step between elementary school, walk in a line everywhere, to junior high, individual schedules and you're on your own. She is a whiz at school - I do not worry about her grades. She asks tons of questions, argues with everything. EVERYTHING. And she is bright. Super bright. She explores, she experiments, she analyzes. She is literally exhausting. We just love her.
Josephine had to give up gymnastics - it's not her, it's us. It just got too expensive. She was really good at it, and that just means it's competitive and her coach was helping her master amazing skills, but, always asking us for more money. Sorry Joey. As a compromise, Josephine asked to learn the piano. Brilliant. Rachel picked up the piano at about the same age and she never took a lesson. She just listens and repeats. It's really amazing. The ladies get their musical abilities from James. I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Josephine is learning from a lady at church who teaches her once a week. In three weeks of lessons she is already on page 25 of her lessons book. She's in a hurry to master the piano so she can learn another instrument. She hasn't decided which one yet.
Josephine is smart, witty and always ready to go somewhere. Anywhere. If our car leaves the driveway and Josephine is not in it, there's a good reason. This child hates to be left at home. She wants to explore, move and experience. Joey doesn't like to cook, she doesn't like raisins or cucumbers and she loves to color. Loves it. She makes bracelets from rubber bands and cross stitch floss. She is great at cleaning her room and I never worry about her remembering homework or projects - she's on it. Another detail of Josephine at eleven - she loves board games. She will sit still for a good book or a board game. And minecraft. Don't get her started on minecraft. She's built some amazing things. (she made a county fair - complete with livestock exhibits and rides and fair food booths - it was crazy).
Josephine Lisette. Eleven. The first BallTeam kid to do her birthday fingers pose with her feet. We just love her.
30 September 2015
Silly Selfie
27 September 2015
Splash - September 2015
23 September 2015
16 September 2015
Central Elementary Family Night
The elementary school has a family night once per term and each time it's a different theme - math, science, community, etc... This time it was game night. JMichael played Connect Four with Dad while Charlie Joey and I played Kerplunk. They had a rousing game of life size Hungry Hungry Hippos going in the gym and Frisbee and twister out on the playground. The kids love these nights cause they get to drag James and I in to their territory. The older kids like to go because they get to visit with their previous teachers and hear how big they are. James and I like it because it gives us a chance to meet the teachers on a casual basis and spend a little time getting to know them. It's a win all around.
14 September 2015
13 September 2015
Tasty Freeze
12 September 2015
Red Dragons
05 September 2015
Friday Night Lights
The start of school in the Bible belt south means one thing - football season is in full swing. While I didn't attend a single high school football game while I was actually in high school, I do go now. Our family goes, actually. James and JMichael love to go and watch the games. Samantha is on the high school dance team, so she cheers throughout the game and is part of the half time show. Charlotte and Josephine see football games as their time to roam and be social with all the other seventh and fifth graders which attend the game in droves. I doubt they could tell you the score. Rachel the working girl doesn't go to the game, but, she serves the ice cream at Tasty Freeze for all the post game celebrating. James and I sit with other families and we get some social time too. Although I admit I don't usually know the score, either. We won this one 32 to 12.
31 August 2015
Splash - August 2015
28 August 2015
The family that plays together....
24 August 2015
Samantha - mid air
So, picture day for dance team - Samantha's friend caught this great shot. She's fierce, focused and ready to get that Panther crowd rockin'.
This girl loves her dance team. She does not love the drama that girl groups bring - she is there to dance. She's a leader and doesn't realize it. She practices at home and in the car and she knows her grrove. She's been moved to the front and is proud to a Panther Dancer. Rock on, Samantha.
22 August 2015
Another school year has begun here in Arkansas and with it comes the required first day of school pictures. I was sad this year because this is the last year I have all five at home in school. As unbelievable as it may seem, Rachel is a senior and is all set to graduate in December this year. She has worked hard to get her core academics finished early and has opted to get out early rather than stay and take electives that are not required for graduation. The time is flying! So, for the 2015-2016 academic school year, we have five kids in five schools - not a single two on the same campus at all.