07 February 2009

Tiny Dancer

Josephine had her first dance class this week. She has literally been waiting for this moment since the last class ended, almost 18 months ago. Our friend, Chelsie Moline, is her teacher and Josephine cannot be happier. Sometimes she gets nervous and clingy-shy. Not so when dance class is involved. I was watching Sister Moline's two youngest boys during the class, so when Sister Moline pulled up to our house, Josephine ran out to the van and hopped in. No need for Mom or home anymore - it's dance class! She just loves it. She talks about it all the time, practices at home and wears a leotard until I make her change her clothes.

Thank you Chelsie for teaching dance to little ladies. Josephine loves it and we appreciate you in giving your time and talents. Thank you to my friend Kim for taking some pictures for me! I didn't pixalate the other kids just so my daughter could be the prettiest one in class, I just wanted to keep her friends off of the internet. Dance, Josephine!

3 screams from the fans...:

Chelsie said...

Oh, what great pics of Josephine! I'm glad she had such a good time. I did, too :).

Melanie said...

She is adorable! I can't believe how big she is...the last time we were together, she was so tiny...

Anita said...

She is so cute! When did Chelsie start teaching? I would love for Jaydan to take dance from her!