Has anyone ever noticed that when you are tuned into something - no matter what it is - you will find it? I mean if you are thinking a lot about a problem, then other things, which are seemingly unrelated, suddenly play into whatever is on your mind. Okay, an example: Say you have a friend that is sick. You might hear a song on the radio that has lyrics about being there for a friend. You might notice just how many people ask you, how are you?, in a day's time, and actually mean it. You might run across another sick person in the line at Wal-Mart and strike up a conversation - just because you are thinking about your own friend who is sick. Okay, maybe it is just me. But, I have found this to be true. When I concentrate on something and study it out for myself, I find answers all around me.

Leaf in our yard found by Charlotte and a clod of dirt
in our kitchen I found while sweeping!
I just had to capture two of these on "film". What a wonderful world we live in. Full of challenges and hardship, yes, but also full of love and possibility.
3 screams from the fans...:
Tina, you are my favorite right now.
:) thank you, Chelsie!
Oh my goodness gracious! That is incredible - and doesn't surprise me at all that it did not go unnoticed by you - the Queen of Cheerful! Thank you for being such a great example to me, and for finding the best in everything and everyone. I LOVE YOU!!!
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