Josephine especially loves to dance. She twirls to movie credits and bops her head constantly to the radio. She sings around the house and when we are in the van and it's her turn to pick what music is on, she always picks Primary songs. Always.
A lot of our friends believe Josephine is a quiet, reserved, dainty little lady. Maybe she comes off that way at first, but, she's a powerhouse. She will tell her sisters in no uncertain terms exactly what she is thinking; she is known to have the loudest voice in the house; and she can hold her own when it comes to wrestling someone to the ground (yes, that happens all the time!)
Josephine also likes computer games and playing outside. She is perfecting her cartwheel and can jump rope. She's getting better on roller skates and can swim underwater. Another big accomplishment - blowing bubbles with bubblegum!
I asked her some questions, just so we could remember her at five years old and this is what I discovered:
favorite food - chicken and macaroni & cheese
favorite book - Yertle the Turtle
favorite place to go - Branson, MO
favorite ice cream - vanilla with "everything" (chocolate, peanut butter and cherries, etc).
For Josephine's birthday, we had birthday balloons, we had cake, we had presents. I'm just thankful we had Josephine. She is a creative, thoughtful little lady and I am excited to see the young woman she will become. We all love you, Josephine.
Birthday Balloons --- xBox with Daddy
Gifts - tutu, new shades and stuffed mouse (thanks GrandMa and GranDad), plus - her first set of wheels!
3 screams from the fans...:
Ah, that was so cute that I am teary!
Josephine- Happy Birthday girly girl. You and Eliza are both 5 now how exciting! I can tell you have a family that loves you very much!
Yes you can add our blog. I have looked at your blog a couple times before also. I am glad we are blog buddies!!
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