James and I each have an NFL Team. His is the Minnesota Vikings. Always has been, always will be. He's a die hard fan. True and true. He bleeds purple and gold. Ok, maybe not.
My team is the New Orleans Saints. I am not such a fanatic about them, but, I've always rooted for them, even when others called them the New Orleans Aint's.
This year, for the first time in NFL history (44 years) BOTH our teams are undefeated! We are each at the top of our respective conferences. We are both vying for a superbowl slot. Unheard of!
On an ironic side note - this is the first year of our marriage, too, that we have turned off all our TV - no cable, satellite, nothing. We have iPhones and the internet to follow our teams, but, haven't seen too many games. We have invited ourselves over to friends houses to watch certain games. A fan is a fan, right?!
I hope I haven't just jinxed us both, Babe! If they start losing it's all on me.....
0 screams from the fans...:
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