Jay Michael gets his first entry in the Cute Kid Quote category! He will be three next month and he is really starting to chatter! They do grow up so fast...
So for Christmas Jay got a train engine. It has lights and sounds and the wheels turn. It takes six size D batteries and Jay has loved it so well that the batteries are dead. He still plays with it, pushing it around and making the sounds himself.
One day last week he took it to James and this is the conversation I overheard:
Jay - Tain na wuking, Daddy.
James - No, Jay, the batteries are dead.
Jay - Baddries are dead?
James -Yes, we need to get more batteries.
Jay leaves, and a few minutes later, Jay returns.
Jay - Look Daddy, scooter baddreis na dead!
29 January 2011
Cute Kid Quotes
26 January 2011
Charlotte's Baptism

The Ball Team -January 2011 - Samantha, Tina, Jay (on lap), James, Josephine (on lap), Charlotte and Rachel on the floor.
Charlotte is wearing the baptism dress that my Mom (Juanita Brumbley) made for Rachel on her baptism day. Samantha wore the dress when she was baptised and Josephine is already looking forward to wearing it, too. I hope all our grandaughters will wear this dress, maybe it will even last to great-granddaughters?white
22 January 2011
Fishing Trip - June 2004

Daddy-daughter Moment, Samantha (almost 5 years old) and James
13 January 2011
Cute Kid Quotes
I haven't done one of these in a while, but, it's not 'cause the kids haven't said some amazing things; I've just been behind. But now, brought to you by Charlotte (eight years old):
11 January 2011
Snow Carting!
What to do with a second snow day? Well:
09 January 2011
Sixty to snow in two days!

08 January 2011
Charlotte is Eight!
Charlotte turned eight! It's just amazing how time flies. Charlie girl. Our Christmas baby. Eight? Yes, eight! She is in second grade, she loves to swim, she loves to cook and she loves to swim. Yes, I know I said she loves to swim twice. She really loves to swim. Charlotte is strong, healthy and full of life and personality.
At school, Charlotte will tell you she loves recess and gym. Meanwhile, she is making straight 3's - the equivalent of an A in second grade. Her teacher says she is a friend to everyone and just this week she earned the music award in her class.
Turning eight is a big milestone and carries with it some weight. She is old enough to choose for herself to baptized at church (more on that in another post). She is old enough to be more accountable at home and take on more chores. She is growing up and Charlotte carries it well.
For her birthday, we were out of school on Christmas break. We had babysitting kids for the day, and Charlotte only wanted to invite her friends to go swimming.
So we made it happen:
Da Gang at the pool and a picture of Charlotte and her buds - Sydney (left) and Atira. Swimming in the winter is such fun...
Birthday Cross Stitch from Grandmom - and a much anticipated bean bag chair!
Faith in God Girls at church. It's a twice on month class for the girls between 8 and 12. Charlotte has been just itching to go for a year - since Samantha and Rachel get to go, she was ready to go with the big ladies, but she had to wait until she turned eight! Rachel has since turned 12 and left for the Youth Group, but, Charlotte got to join Samantha (yellow sweatshirt) and her friends - with Sister Gibbs, their wonderful leader - for her FIG's! They grow up so fast...
Happy Birthday, Charlotte. We all love you.