I have been away from the blog for a while, and ironically, that means plenty is going on to include here. James had surgery last month for his back injury. He has been hurting for quite some time, and this surgery is a result of three different doctors trying all their means to help him. After months of physical therapy, injections and nursing it, surgery was his last resort. We are all happy to report that his pains are much improved. He will NOT be on the basketball court again, but, he will be back to his "normal" life soon. James would not let me post pictures of him in the hospital or physical therapy; I only get the "before" shot of the day of surgery (after his "anxious meds" had started flowing...):His vertebrae (three of them) are now fused and he has pins and rods in his spine. He is walking every day, getting stronger and stronger. His hips are still hurting, and he will not be giving any more piggy back rides, but, James is healing.

1 screams from the fans...:
I'm so glad he is feeling better! What a relief!
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