Warning - this post has a lot of pictures. They are all stuck at the end. I warrant it does not have enough pictures, but, it does have lots.
The week I did not know I was going to have began on Sunday and I was sitting with my family in Sacrament meeting at church. Sacrament is a place without phones. They should be silenced and forgotten during church meetings. This time, however, I answered a phone call and I quickly slipped out a side door. It was Eric, my brother who had just visited with Dad. Eric said, Dad won't last much longer, Beans; you need to call him. So I called my Dad and spoke with him for what we both truly knew would be the last time. He knows what we said, and I know what we said. I will leave it here to tell posterity that my Dad, Wayne Norman Brumbley knows that his Savior lives and that he, on that day in October, was ready to make that leap. Dad gave me a list of things to do - always organized - He told me that he loves my mom, Juanita, and his first direction to me was to make sure she is always taken care of. I promised I would do everything she would let me do to take care of her. He next made me promise to stay close to my brothers and be there as much as I could for them. So Eric and David, if I bug you with text and calls, please blame Dad. Third he told me to hold James tight and be a good mother to those wonderful and amazing grandchildren of his. I promised my Dad I would.
He told me that he loved me from the first time he saw my picture (he was serving in the Air Force in Vietnam when I was born, so he just got a picture.) And while we fought some days, he loved me every day. Every day, Dad.
So, I told James it was time to head east and we made some amazingly quick arrangements. It was our plan to meet David in St. Louis and leave his car with our cousin David and his beautiful wife Amy. We met there at about 11 pm that night and headed east. About three hours into our drive, Eric called. Dad had died just after midnight their time. October 20, 2014.
We got a hotel room for the night, since we were no longer trying to race to Maryland, and we arrived at Mom's about 9:30 on Monday evening.
The next few days were busy with making arrangements, seeing the funeral director and organizing for family and friends who were coming in. President John, of the Wilmington Delaware stake was at Mom's side the whole time to help with anything she needed. Food poured in and people just stopped by the house to hug Ma and tell a story.
Ma decided that the viewing would be Thursday evening - Dad's 71st birthday. That night almost 200 people filed through the line to greet family and share a story about Dad. I was so excited to see my old seminary teachers, Miller and Sister Engle. How nice of them to come. So many people with such great things to say.
On Friday morning we had the funeral service - all open casket since Ma thought they made Dad look so good. Some of the same people came, but, more come to the service and they had to open the overflow in the chapel and the gym to seat everyone.
Jimmy Dayton, Steve Walker and Ernie Matthews all spoke about Dad and each had a different take on his life - I think the consensus is that Dad was an honest caring man devoted to his God and his family. Throw in some funny stories and the Vietnam war, the coin club, the Polar Bar, reunion committee meetings, the bowling alley, years of night school, and a love of Bonsai and mowing the grass. And that doesn't begin to define the man. We are all complicated. But Dad was Dad, to me.
After the service we headed to the lower shore for the burial. There we had a graveside service with a dedication of the grave and a flag ceremony from Dover AFB. Bruce Williams spoke and more people came. I understand there were approximately 100 people at the grave.
Afterwards, we went to the Salisbury building where the Relief Society provided lunch and tables to sit and chat. More hours of talking about Dad and reconnecting with family and friends.
Friday was a long day. Friday night we went back to Eric's house and crashed. We had more food from Abby's family and the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department. Food everywhere. We were all up late talking and talking.
Saturday we headed to the beach. I forgot to stop and get scrapple this trip, but, we did go to Thrasher's and Fisher's. After the beach Eric and Abby went back home in Mardela. David, Dawn, James and I drove mom back home in Elkton. We had face reality - driving back to Arkansas and Kansas in one day's time.
We left Ma. That's what she wants right now. She is busy and secure and strong. She could be all those things in Arkansas, but, I'll argue that with her later.
Losing a parent is hard. Dad had fought cancer valiantly and he was ready to go. I miss him. Yesterday I called Ma, and my first thought, as it always was, was, what time is it? Is Dad asleep? I don't want to wake him.
Now, some pictures from the trip. There are not many because I was busy. Lucky you.....

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