Samantha is in the sixth grade and the school sponsered a Fitness Challenge, with the students participating in various fitness tests - the point being to test their fitness levels. Students could choose their events - everyone did three. The choices were: basketball (most baskets in a minute), hula hooping (longest time with a hoop in motion), pull-ups (most pull ups), jump-rope (longest time, and most jumps in a minute). Girls were a separate category from boys. In sixth grade girls, Samantha brought home three ribbons - one for every event she entered! She won second place in Strongest Man (Pull-ups) with three pull ups in a minute. Samantha took first place for Hula Hoop; she kept the hoop in motion for 15 minutes, 8 seconds. Her time set a new school record! Samantha also took first place in Speed Jump; in just one minute, she jumped rope 140 times, without missing. Wow. Way to go, Samantha. We are not worried about your fitness level!
25 February 2011
Fitness Challenge
23 February 2011
Jay is Three
Three years have flown. Literally flown. Jay Michael went from a fragile little NICU baby to a full fledged B-O-Y, reeking havoc in his wake. Actually, he is quite sweet and tender. He'll hurl a ball at you with no mercy, mind you, but, he'll kiss you on the head where he hit you.

19 February 2011
KidBits February 2011
KidBits is my way of adding a blurb about the ladies and Jay; it's usually stuff that isn't big enough for a full post - grandparent's kind of news, but, all are welcome to read on...
Rachel has been asking for Taylor Swift hair for a while now. She's not too into Taylor Swift anymore, but, loves her hair. Who doesn't? We relented on the "side bangs" and this is Rae's new hair, when it's naturally curly. She straightens it for church and school, which changes her look entirely, but, I like the curls! ps - Don't you love our Minnesota Vikings shower curtain? We do! Rachel's school conference this semester went well. She has some work to do in math, her least favorite subject, but, she was invited to AP English starting next year, in eighth grade. Soccer try outs are next week, and she is a Counselor in the Beehive presidency. Add texting her friends, and you get one busy pre-teen!


Jay is potty trained! Wow. What a load off our minds and our budget. He still wears a diaper at night, but, he asks to go to the bathroom first thing, and he can go all through

13 February 2011
Ahoy, Pack 354
The scouts "fighting" with their Dads to receive their rank advancements. Then everyone wanted to sword fight - even the little sisters!
11 February 2011
Snow Balls ......
This week we had almost eight inches of snow. Rachel is hoping for exactly seven and three quarter inches, since one of her teachers at school is giving extra credit for the student who predicts the exact amount.
All eight inches fell in one day. It was pretty, but, it called our little town to a dead standstill. School was out for three days, we had no babysitting kids come over, and Mom and Dad were home all day. No one left our house for three days, except Samantha playing with her friend down the street and Rachel walking to her friend's house, almost a mile away.
The ladies and Jay got out into the snow, but, it was fluffy and didn't pack well. What good is all that snow if you can't pack a decent snowball? For the most part we stayed inside and rearranged furniture, played video games and cleaned out under the beds. I did laundry. I did a LOT of laundry.
The cute kid quote of the snowstorm goes to Josephine, who after being amazed at how dark the inside of the house is after playing in the snow said, "Mom, it's a wonderland out there!"
It felt great not to get out of the house for three days. No schedules, just a mini obligatory stay-cation in the winter. I ventured outside only for pictures....
04 February 2011
SNOW ... again
I'm not a snow person. I miss the heat of summer from the first day I see a leaf fall. I wear flip flops ALL year long. It was really snowing when I made the ladies and Jay pose for the picture in the splash. They hate snow, too. Good kids.
This morning I got the ladies off to school. That was 8 am. At 9:30 I got a phone call from the school district. The voice said, "Schools will be closing today due to inclement weather and projections from the National Weather Service." Closing at 10:15. Ugh...
The snow on this blog is on the only kind I endorse! If you want it to snow on your blog, go here for instructions!