Samantha turned eleven this week! Wow. Always an original, Samantha did not want a birthday cake. She wanted jelly beans, (the GOOD kind, Mom, she said) and she made everyone in the family the recipes on the package as our "pieces of cake" - blueberry muffins, hot chocolate, pina coladas and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Try that with a regular birthday cake.
We are going to Indian Lake later this week to celebrate, but, we had gifts from the grandparents - school clothes and a cross stitched birth announcement.

Samantha wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up and has decided that she will not leave home. She's going to live at home forever. She is athletic, dedicated and loyal to her friends and family. She is the only girl in her class at church - the only girl in a class of seven. And though she'll complain, I think at heart she's okay with it. Samantha loves her dogs, loves to be outside, and loves gymnastics. She says we'll all see her at the Olympics. winning the gold.
At eleven, she will start the sixth grade this fall. Samantha's favorite subject is science and her least favorite is math. She is in Activity Girls at church, and is anxious to follow her big sister out of the Primary and into Young Women. Samantha is great at saving money and does well when she has goal to work toward. Keep up the good work, Samantha! We're right behind you all the way!
3 screams from the fans...:
A marine biologist living in Arkansas.... hmmmmm... how is that going to work out? ; ) Happy birthdy Sam!
Wow 11!!!!! I'm glad I can see you go through it first-- seriously. You do so well, Tina! Happy Birthday Samantha!!!!
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