Jay has not been talking a great deal. I mean he's only twenty months old, so it's still somewhat early. At best he just needs to point, because with four older sisters, he has plenty of little mothers around him to cater to his every cry and expression. This week he came to me with his usual - Omah, omah (which we translate as Momma, Momma). He has taken to leading us around when he wants something and then just a point or gesture in the right direction will let everyone know what is on his sweet, busy mind. He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. This is what I found:
Can't you just read that look on his face? He's saying: Look, Ma, I put my favorite toy - my purple ball - in the toilet to see if it would float and now I can't get it out! You just gotta help me!
It is now Ball Team policy to close the bathroom door when not in use. This also explains much: about three weeks ago this very same toilet mysterious overflowed. I wonder....
23 September 2009
Help, It's Stuck!
21 September 2009
Ball Team's Got Talent !!

Josephine did her ballet routine with fellow student, A. They danced to Itsy-Bitsy Spider and neither A nor Josephine were the least bit shy or anxious about being on stage. I was very impressed with their performance. Soooooo cute!!!! Thank you Chelsie (friend/ballet teacher) for making them look sweet enough to eat!!
ps: I wanted to put Josephine's hair up in a ballet bun for the stage, but, she said, "No, Mom. It looks pretty when I twirl." Now how can you argue with that?
18 September 2009
Peer Pressure
I discovered something this morning as I was signing Josephine in at her Pre-K classroom. I had been doing it all wrong before. In these past few weeks I had walked into the room, signed her in, gave her hug and said I would see her after class. Her part was then to cling to my leg as if it were the only hold on her precious life. Her teacher would literally pry her fingers from my shirt and I would wave and smile. Josephine would scream. I then waited in the hall for the screaming to stop, which it always did. In the afternoons, her teacher would tell me about the wonderful day Josephine just had. I have no doubt, too, that she did have a good day, because she always had a new song to sing and a story about her friends, her lunch, or her latest artwork.
She was having a great time in Pre-K; but she made a fuss every time I dropped her off. What to do? Peer pressure. This morning, I did the same bad routine: walked into the room, signed her in, gave her hug and said I would see her after class. Then something amazing happened! From across the room, we hear (in a small girlish voice), "Josephine is here. Hey Josephine come do this puzzle with me!" And with that, Josephine was gone. No longer clinging to Mom; she was off playing with her friends. You go girl! So far, I like this peer pressure.
16 September 2009
Soccer Season Fall '09
Our two oldest daughters - Rachel and Samantha - otherwise known as the big ladies - have started their soccer seasons for the Fall '09. At least this year practices are on the same days of the week. Different field locations and times, but, the same days.Rachel is playing for the rec league in our little town and her team name is the Bulldogs. She was unsure this season as to whether or not to play, but, her buddies from church are on her team, and she is playing goalie, which she really enjoys. The first game was a victory. Rachel told me her goalie strategy on the way home after the game: "Mom, I let one go in for the other team. That way, I get mad and aggressive." Okay?! At least it worked... the won the game.
Samantha is on a more competitive level of team, called a traveling team. Her team - the Predators - represents our town and they will travel as far as three hours away to play their games. The coaching is more precise, more is expected of the girls and they have really bonded more. Samantha seems to enjoy the game more, since it is more intense. She always has been a fighter! Their first game ended in a loss. Just the beginning!
07 September 2009
Primary Reason
Last weekend our Primary President did something amazing. She assembled sixty-four children from our ward primary in front of the Memphis Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a group shot. She's amazing. That's why she's the Primary President.

05 September 2009
My most favorite-est cereal in the whole wide wonderful world is Quaker Oat Squares. I don't know exactly why I love it so much, but, I just DO. I don't buy it very often because it is also one of the most expensive cereals on the shelf. Today, I was at the store and I looked over at my Quaker Oat Squares section and I saw it - A SALE!!!
04 September 2009
Thank you friends!

The produce is from Becca. At the store, they were going to throw this OUT! Aaahhh! Not with Becca around. Grab it make make fajitas! The banana bread is from Emilee. She makes so many delicious things, but, this one in particular I think will be especially delicious since she altered her recipe just so Jay could eat it - no walnuts, extra sugar!
Oh, and speaking of friends, look at us:
The Monday Morning Stroller Brigade
If your beautiful face is not in this picture - again, you know who you are - come join us!