Okay, maybe the cute kid quote thing is getting old and overused, but, man, they say the funniest stuff sometimes! This one is from Josephine and it warranted a stop to take a picture just so I could put it up here -
We are driving and pass this on the road:

Me -Look, Jo - they're building something new by the bowling alley. What do you think it will be?
Jo - I think it's a jail, Mom. For the bad bowlers...
2 screams from the fans...:
How can i remove windows xp from my laptop and reinstall windows Me -the laptops original software?
I suffer with recently bought a acquainted with laptop that is old. The person I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, orderly although it from the word go came with windows Me. I be to remove the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more tribute than the windows Me would. Also I wish to remove windows xp because it is an proscribed copy. So when I tried to ass updates on it, windows would not introduce updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=http://yxwuzel.angelfire.com]above ground lap pool dakota[/URL]
Answers :
all you have to do is insert the windows me disk into the cd drive. then reboot your laptop, when the malignant [URL=http://ahaybuo.angelfire.com/kion-monterey.html]kion monterey[/URL] screen with all the info comes up and when it asks u to boot from cd [URL=http://athomys.angelfire.com/key-west-fantasy-fest.html]key west fantasy fest[/URL] thump any latchkey when it tells you to then [URL=http://siwwuxo.angelfire.com/quapaw-pottery.html]quapaw pottery[/URL] inaugurate from there !!! I RECOMEND SINCE ITS AN ILLEAGLE TWIN TO WIPE [URL=http://hamrbas.angelfire.com/kilauea-military-camp.html]kilauea military camp[/URL] MANIFEST THE [URL=http://tuokved.angelfire.com/ciener-22lr-kit.html]ciener 22lr kit[/URL] ENTIRE HARD PUSH [URL=http://cyusehz.angelfire.com/installing-454-oil-pump-shaft.html]installing 454 oil pump shaft[/URL] WHEN IT ASKS YOU WHICH UNDENIABLE [URL=http://uuchzba.angelfire.com/kinematics-equation-vertical-jump-formula.html]kinematics equation vertical jump formula[/URL] PUSH TO SETTLE IT ON. THEN ADD ALL THE ABOVE PAUSE ON THE WASTE [URL=http://zdusuwv.angelfire.com/clam-shell-pipe-clamps.html]clam shell pipe clamps[/URL] REALISTIC CONSTRAIN ONTO A DIFFERENT DOCUMENTATION FINGERS ON, IT ON LOOK LIKE C:/ Raw or something like that
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