22 April 2009

Jay's Fifteen Month Well Check

Jay had his 15 month well check today. As you can see, he had fun with the exam table paper. He is doing really well with his lungs - all clear. His skin and allergies are now our problem. He is covered in eczema, and is reacting severely to peanuts. We now have to carry epi-pens, just for an emergency, and he has an appointment with a pediatric allergist. Through all of this, Jay is a happy little man. He loves to play with his sisters and will roll and throw a ball with you. Jay loves to be outside and loves for his sisters to bounce him on the trampoline. Jay does all those fun not-such-a-baby-things, like itsy-bitsy spider, wrestling and hiding, and he makes the movements for Popcorn Popping. His sisters say he's getting more fun to play with! What a sweet kid brother for our ladies!!!

1 screams from the fans...:

a busy mom said...

I think you need to have another boy so he isn't surrounded by so much estrogen-ha. He is a cutie! Aren't boys lovable and sweet! They are mommies boys! I love his hair.