19 April 2009

Jay Climbs The Stairs

Okay, usually Jay wears pants to church. He has a sweet pair of khakis that make him look so grown up, but, somehow they came off in nursery! And notice that Josephine is wearing a shoe and carrying a shoe...I think they both made it back home today!

These stairs are right off of the nursery door and Jay bolts for them as soon as he sees an opening. He has the climbing gene that all his sisters have, too. Once I found Samantha, at about three, on TOP of the refrigerator! This is why we bought the dome instead of a swingset - it's a house full of climbing kids!

3 screams from the fans...:

a busy mom said...

cute new picture of the kids! You are a great photographer! You must take your camera every where if you got Jay at church climbing steps-cute. Running late this morning!

a busy mom said...

oh by the way- remove the country songs- you know me and country don't mix! ha. Just kidding.

Chelsie said...

Cool pics! That is so funny-- on the refrigerator!!!!!! I just imagined Caleb (3) on my fridge. Now I am scared.