The June splash was taken at Rachel, Samantha, and Matt's new house - in Fruitland, Maryland. Rachel's boss owns the house and she splits the rent with Matt and Samantha. Rachel is an independent soul and while she enjoyed living with Eric and Abbey (she was in their spare room about five months), she needed a space of her own. The addition of Matt and Samantha make this house affordable and cozy. They have plenty of hand-me-down furniture and it's set up just like a first house of a bunch of twenty-somethings should be - gathering areas and places to lounge. It's small, tidy and the floors slant in every direction. It's perfect. This is Samantha's first home away from home. She was always our daughter - the homebody - who said she would never move out. Now, though, with her big sister as a roommate, she's more confident that she will be okay. And she will. They all will. It's a good move and I'm proud of them for making their way in the world. They all have jobs, plans, and confidence. They are on their way.
In the back yard they have an oversized picnic table. They invited us down for hot dogs and burgers on the grill and we enjoyed the beautiful June evening. They have a great back yard.
A goofy picture to scare the neighbors.
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