04 July 2011

Independence Day

Is this Fourth of July a great holiday? There's watermelon and grilling our favoirte foods. There's fireworks and flip flops. There's a swell of national pride and family togetherness. Plus, no traditions that revolve around candy. Yay. Plus, it's America's birthday. I have a platform for the occasional impromptu history lesson. I do love that.

This year we enjoyed fireworks on the third AND the fourth! On the third, a local church put on the town's display and we had front row seats, thanks to our friends who literally live across the street from the church. Nice. On the fourth, we went to another friend's house for grilling and eating and fun, with fireworks at dusk. When I was growing up in Maryland, it was illegal to set off fireworks, and it feels a little weird to buy and light fireworks. But, it's legal here in Arkansas, so our kids can grow up enjoying this fun and slightly dangerous celebration. We even get plenty of extra when they go on sale for 75% off on the fifth of July, just so we can set them off for all our birthdays and New Year's.....with Daddy in charge of the lighter, naturally.

1 screams from the fans...:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Fireworks!