The school year started today and everyone except Jay is gone. I might be able to blog a little more now. I could clean, or make cards, or fold some laundry, too, but, there will be plenty of time for all of it...first, some pictures!

The school year started today and everyone except Jay is gone. I might be able to blog a little more now. I could clean, or make cards, or fold some laundry, too, but, there will be plenty of time for all of it...first, some pictures!
School shopping this year had an unexpected surprise - new shoes for Rachel. Rachel did not really need new shoes for school, but, she saw these hightops and loved them. I loved them too, after I saw the price - $3.24. Yes, $3.24. Sold.
Rae's new shoes further served as inspiration for a card! Who knew? (I have to tell you that this cracks me up. Those of you who know me, know that I own one pair of shoes at a time. Always sandals. I only wear shoes when I just have to. To be inspired by shoes is just comical for me.) I love the color combination with the bright yellow and green, offset by the heavy neutral of the deep grey.Head on over to Mojo Monday to see what inspired others in this week's challenge. And hey, if you are a stamper - play along; get your Mojo on!
Just a little KidBit from each of the ladies, and Jay:
I have this habit of sneaking away from my "duties" and playing with my toys. There are others who share my secret getaway - and hope they enjoy the escape as much as I do. Lately I have found a few blogs to help me with design and color schemes (try here for design ideas and here for color schemes).
Just wanted to share a little on me only, since this place is pretty much about the wonderful ladies and Jay, who deservedly take up so much of my time, energy and blog!
And if you are ready to start on your Christmas cards, call me. Let's make 'em!
Samantha wanted a day at the lake for her birthday. We tried three different days to get there, but, we just couldn't get a plan together. As I was taking with some Moms about our plan I learned a little something about lakes. Did you know that lakes breed bacteria and can become unhealthy when a few factors come together. Lately we have had temperatures over 100 degrees for twenty-some straight days. Hot, hot. We also have had no substantial rainfall for any of that time. So, the lake we wanted to visit had no fresh-water feed; it was essentially a five acre puddle. Mix all this together and you get problems. The lakes are known to spread a little condition called swimmer's itch, which you can read more about here, but, it's a nasty little thing, so be warned. Yuck.
watermelon candles ::: first piece of "cake"
Samantha turned eleven this week! Wow. Always an original, Samantha did not want a birthday cake. She wanted jelly beans, (the GOOD kind, Mom, she said) and she made everyone in the family the recipes on the package as our "pieces of cake" - blueberry muffins, hot chocolate, pina coladas and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Try that with a regular birthday cake.