31 March 2010
Spring Break
30 March 2010
I'm Not Old
26 March 2010
Still Beautiful
She did a forward roll off of the top bunk - but she's still beautiful! Josephine, five years old.
Rae is Twelve

Rachel, before our very eyes, is transforming from a cute kid into a beautiful young woman. At twelve, Rachel loves to write, she plays soccer, she helps me more around the house than even she realizes. She loves to ride her bike, talk and text with her friends and she goes to the store for me. Rachel writes songs, stories and poems. She is musical and sings throughout the house. She leave her radio on all the time. Rachel loves to be with people, and she is great company. She's funny, without being a clown. She is thoughtful, responsible and trustworthy. I am proud to call her my daughter. Happy Birthday, Rae.
11 March 2010
Josephine's two-wheeler
It took just one day of 60 degree temperatures to spur us on. The kids had all their bikes up on their handlebars so Dad could tighten screws, adjust seat heights and inflate tires. Off they went. Everyone had to have a few adjustments, but, Josephine had the biggest one of all - two wheels! At five, she learned in just one afternoon how to balance, turn and crash lightly into the grass. Her bike now goes with us easily to the afternoon park jaunt, so she can feel the wind in her hair!
06 March 2010
James and I were talking the other day about the shows we watched as kids in the early 70's. Thanks to technology and YouTube, we can all share. Remember these, anyone?
We also remembered Romper Room, UltraMan, Captain Kangaroo, Speed Racer, Shazam, HR Puff'N'Stuff, Mulligan Stew, the Flintstones, Banana Splits, Electric Company, and on ... being a carefree kid of the 70's was wonderful!
03 March 2010
KidBits 3 March 2010

And this Jay Michael. Just being happy and playing with Dad. Ah, to be two..

01 March 2010
Blue and Gold Banquet

Last week we had the annual Blue and Gold Banquet. We had a spaghetti bar, a cupcake eating contest (with no hands, of course) and a pinata. I think it went well. But, what do I know? I've only been in scouts for about two months! Here's the highlight reel: