Our tree is up this year. I stress a lot about the tree. Why are the ornaments that mean so much to me made out of glass, or porcelain? This year is Jay first really hands-on Christmas - all boy, loves to throw and climb. So we positioned the tree in the corner, with the love seat and couch forming a protective wall. He can stand on the arm of the couch to reach the tree, but, he can't knock it completely over. All the precious ornaments are still packed away, in the hopes that next year Jay will be a little more gentle.

Three of our traditions are underway for the season - First - making treats for teachers. This year we chose a family favorite - hot chocolate. We have our own way of spicing it up here at the Ball Team house, and I hope that the ladies' teachers like it, too.

Also in progress for the holiday season is the reading of Christmas stories each night. This year Charlotte is joining her older sisters in reading the stories out loud to the younger siblings. She's so happy to be a "big lady".

Our third tradition leading up to Christmas is to become sneaky! We chose a neighbor (wonder if this neighbor reads the blog? hmmmm?) to deliver to each night. I picked up this Nativity set at WalMart for $12, and it has exactly twelve pieces. Each night for the Twelve Days of Christmas, we find a scripture or Christmas song that relates to the figure in the nativity. We set it on the porch, ring the bell, and hide. On Christmas Eve, Baby Jesus will come to the porch. The ladies get to be sneaky, and, I hope, learn a little about the holiday of giving.

And finally: Our tree and the five gifts I treasure most.
7 screams from the fans...:
That is a great 12 days idea. I would love to read the scriptures you came up with. What a fun tradition :)
I echo; that nativity is a CUTE idea. Nice work. I remember doing the 12 days when I was a kid, and it was a great memory.
Oh, that last line brought tears to my eyes!
You are so cool I want to be like you when I grow up!
Your family is ADORABLE! They are growing up so fast, Little Jay isn't so little anymore!! I hope your Christmas is wonderful!! I miss you all! :)
I love it!!!
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