20 July 2009

Moving ....

Yes, we're moving. Not far, literally down the street. Three doors down, to be exact. Three doors closer to the school. Three doors further from the busier end of the street. We aren't using too many boxes; we are using lots of kid power. The rule lately, after the always present 'shut the door' rule, is - if you can lift it, take it down the street. It's anybody's guess where anything in particular is right this minute. Actually, I know where everything is - it's either here, or it's there...

Are we done yet?

3 screams from the fans...:

a busy mom said...

you're really moving? Wow! Good luck with that. I hate moving! Has your house sold?

Unknown said...

Ugh! Good luck. You are so funny! you make me laugh with every one of your posts. (And that spider made me cry)

The Thomas Family's Guatemala Adventure said...

Hey Tina! You are so funny. Congrats on the move! I love your picture from the fourth. You are so talented at taking photos and blogging. I am envious.