Happy Birthday America! This is a great holiday, right? I mean, warm weather, bar-B-ques, parades and fireworks...what a birthday party! This year, we carried the festivities into two days.
Friday night, we had a great pizza in the park date with our friends, the Molines. No pictures of that fun, but, later we all moved on to the Bartletts, joined more friends, and had the ultimate view of the town's fireworks display. Rachel caught this picture of the explosions! Thank you Bartletts for letting us all invade and celebrate with you!
The next day, Saturday the Fourth, we had dinner with our friends, the Davidsons. We had great Fourth of July food - burgers and watermelon - plus a great flag cake!

Later we set off our own fireworks - I think James and Daniel (Davidson) had the most fun!

Can I just add on a side note that I love the Fourth of July for another selfish reason - the History Channel. It's the best time to set your DVR to all those great shows like the Revolutionary War, the Presidents, and the Founders. Popcorn and the Presidents, wow...
Sparklers!!!! July 09
No, Jay did not get to hold a sparkler - just wait 'til next year!
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