So we finally got the results back on Jay's allergy bloodwork. I had to do a little research on how to read it, but, here's the breakdown: Jay is allergic to peanuts, all tree nuts (this includes cashews, pecans, walnuts, almonds...), eggs, and DOGS! Yes, dogs. Didn't see that one comin'.
Jay carries epi-pens with him and his reactions have not been so severe that we've had to use them yet. All reports show that he'll grow out of these allergies, at his own pace, and with a good eye on what he eats and a firm hand on the dogs in his life (we have two, now exclusively outdoor, dogs) he should be fine. We are managing his eczema with doctor's orders and the sun plus a well chlorinated pool should help out with that this summer. What can you do? He's so worth it!

3 screams from the fans...:
Wow, what a RELIEF to know all of this, I'll bet! Poor Jay. Life, I'm sure, will get better soon!
Ah man, poor guy. I glad to hear that he will grow out of those allergies.
he has a long life a head of him. Poor guy!
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