Samantha took the plunge into bangs. She loves her long hair. It has plenty of body & some waves when it's wet, but, she likes it long & straight. This week she decided she wanted bangs and cut it herself. Yes, herself. Dad later straightened out her line. Voila - Samantha with bangs.
We think it looks great.
30 January 2009
Samantha Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands
29 January 2009
Seventeen Again...
AC/DC has a new album out and after more than thirty years as rock icons, they were amazing. As I was standing on the concrete of the first risers, I could feel every joint in my body pounding with the intense music. The guitar solos were long and driving and just straight amazing. I have been to many, many shows in my life, but, I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like Angus Young. Wow. Brian Johnson's voice sounded clear and solid and it was as if we stepped right inside the music. Loud doesn't begin to explain how high the volume was. Wow, loud. It was fantastic, and for the night, we were lost in the music and the show.
28 January 2009
Squeaky Kids ...
26 January 2009
Ten Minute Switch
In the ever constant battle of teaching my children to love work, respect property and generally be helpful, kind citizens....I have implemented yet another system of chores. We called it the 10-minute switch. It went something like this: First, we take a "tour" of the house. We go from room to room as a group and talk about what needs doing. Then, each child (me included!) chooses a room. For ten minutes, you clean up in that room. When the ten minute bell rings, you switch rooms and pick up where the last person left off. When a room is finished, the person who would have gone to that room joins someone else in another room, until all the rooms are done. Besides a few glitches, like sharing the vacuum and don't take out the trash until everyone is finished, it went pretty well. I think it helped that we were not tied to a room, so you always had that prospect of moving on to motivate you. Ten minute works well, too, since it is enough time to get into something without having too long to get distracted. We'll keep this system up until they get complacent, again, and be off to the next one. What do you do?
22 January 2009
19 January 2009
What comes around, goes around ...
16 January 2009
Need A Laugh???
I received this e-mail and thought I would share: (thanks, Sonia)
When asked to draw a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up, second-grader "Sarah" turned in the lovely drawing shown below. Needless to say, the teacher was a bit surprised -- Mrs. Smith had always seemed like such a conservative woman. So she sent a note home to the girl's mother asking for clarification as to the picture's meaning.
(Here's the reply the teacher received the following day)
Dear Mrs. Jones, I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check Sarah's homework more thoroughly before she turns it in. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith
15 January 2009
James' turn for Stitches...
James had some out-patient surgery this week. He had a skin tag on his leg. He figured it was time to get it removed and saw his doctor about it. No problem, says the doctor, just make an appointment whenever you are ready and we'll take care of it. So, Tuesday morning James walks into the doctor and walks out just under an hour later - all done. Meanwhile, he has twenty stitches in his leg and a prescription for pain-killers, 'cause once that topical stuff wears off - look out. Suffice it to say that James stayed in bed that afternoon, all day the next day and forget about basketball this week, guys. By Thursday he is back to work and still hurting, but, up and around. No jumping on Daddy this week ladies, just cuddles.
13 January 2009
Recommended Reading...
I picked up this book at Time Out For Women back in September and we have been using the lessons for FHE. The lessons are based on the For the Strength of Youth booklet and they are well written. They include stories, scriptures, activities, games, illustrations, and even treat suggestions. Our family has really enjoyed and I hope it helps yours, too. Before they Turn Twelve, by Deborah Pace Rowley
12 January 2009
11 January 2009
Stitches - the Epilogue
Chilly Spot
Yesterday we had some friends over. We had nine kids in the house. The baby was taking a nap and I thought, great, everyone can play and I can steal away for some computer I did. Meanwhile, the kids were playing hide and seek, because through my closed door (the baby was sleeping, after all...) I kept hearing phrases like "go hide", "Shhh" and "aaaahhhh" as they tore up and down the hallway. Silence, then screams (of delight, surely). Silence again, screams again. Silence again, screams get the picture. So, later I decide it's time for lunch and I go into the kitchen to get it started and I open the refrigerator door to find this...the newest hiding place! Kids....
10 January 2009
Pencil Sketch
07 January 2009
Books should stay on shelves?

05 January 2009
Nice to Ice
My friend Emilee noted on her blog just recently that the weather here in Arkansas had gone from Ice to Nice. I am sad to report that Mother Nature has changed her mind yet again. I took the picture of the bank sign on Friday, January 2 showing a snowman and a temperature of 80 degrees! Today, January 5, we have mini icicles on the dome! Back to nice, please....
04 January 2009
The Big Dam Bridge
02 January 2009
Samantha is in STITCHES!

01 January 2009
Charlotte is Six

We had a great morning for riding a new bike - it was about 65 degrees and overcast. By afternoon rain was pouring down on us. So, we played with some friends and stopped by Sonic for some birthday ice cream and a photo opportunity with the Sonic sign, letting the whole town know that it is Charlotte's day!