Josephine came home with this book - it's called The 68 Rooms, by Marianne Malone. Her school is participating in a program called "One School, One Book". The premise is that the school gives each family a copy of the same book and we read it together as a family. On the morning announcements, the principal asks a question that the students can answer, based on the assigned reading from the night before. Each student answers the question and all the correct answers are put into a drawing for a prize. Josephine is loving it. The book is really very good - I am enjoying it, too - and you can read more about it
here. The book is based on the Thorne Rooms, which are located at the Art Institute of Chicago, and you can read more about the
Thorne Rooms here.

I just love that this book has captured my childrens' imaginations and it's based on a place we can go visit someday. I also love that my kids are excited to go to school to hear the question and get the right answer. Now if we could only find a project that would excite them this much - but involving math skills - now THAT would be something else!
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