I laugh every time I watch this clip. Every time. English is funny to me, though, so be warned.
To listen, first go to the bottom of the page and pause the music, then you will be able to hear it, isn't it?
30 November 2011
An English Laugh
27 November 2011
Cherstin! Thank You!

20 November 2011
Visit, November 2011
My folks came to visit this week, and they brought my youngest brother David along. They could only stay for an afternoon and the next day, but, we packed in plenty of chatter and visiting. Here's a shot of the whole bunch:
Back row standing: Grandparents Wayne and Juanita Brumbley and Jim and Jean Ball
Middle-ish row seated: Parents James and Tina Ball
Standing around us all: Kiddos Rachel (13), Jay Michael (3), Josephine (7), Charlotte (8) and Samantha (12)
Poor David took the picture and I didn't get another picture all weekend, except for the scrapple which they brought me. Yum. Come again everyone!
05 November 2011
Chrissi Richards ....
Josephine had a photoshoot!
She loved it; I loved it.
Do you want to see? You can!
Scroll down to "Tink" and click on Open Post.
Those big brown eyes just melt my heart!
Thank you Chrissi; just amazing!
02 November 2011