In this edition of KidBits - a little news on everyone - we will cover dental hygiene! I took all five kids to the dentist for one appointment! I am ashamed to admit it, but, this was Jay Michael's first dentist appointment. So until now, I never took all five kids. Jay was excited at first, but, not happy by the time we left. We use a pediatric dentist who has televisions mounted in the ceilings above his chairs, so the kids wear earphones and watch SpongeBob while he works on them. My ladies love the dentist. Weird, huh? Jay Michael? Nope. Not so much. As you can see from the picture, it's a kid friendly kind of place.

Samantha is the oldest of the Activity Girls
group and she was the Master of Ceremonies, introducing all ten girls and describing their outfits. She hammed it up and made it fun. She had to coach a little, too, helping the girls know when to come out (Samantha translation: Get out here!) and when to walk (Samantha translation: Go on; strut!), which the audience thought was pretty comical.

When we got home from the Fashion Show, we had this group at our house - the entire Young Women's Presidency and 16 of the Young Women! The were there to give James a Heart Attack! To do this, they marched through our kitchen and living room muttering, Heart attack, heart attack, all the while taping hearts all over our walls. The hearts had been made my them and each had a good wish or a scripture for James. Stuff like, We are thinking of you and your family. Or, We are here for you; we love you. James was surprised and delighted. The group then sang us a song they are practicing for the church Easter program. Just beautiful! Then they took requests and we had them sing our favorite Primary songs! The picture is bad, it was a little too dark outside to take a good picture without a flash; sorry. Such a great surprise! (Well, at least I had a warning....but James was surely surprised!)

1 screams from the fans...:
Is that dentist in North Little Rock, cause I think that is where I took Cam when he cracked his tooth. They also had a lot of god advice and information for Brie.
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