Our comings and gong, but, not quite enough for a full sized post. This is the Halloween candy fun-sized version.... :)
Our backyard doesn't have much grass. It's mainly dirt. We have tons of shade trees, which are great for shade, but, not so great for growing grass. Shade trees are also great for producing leaves in the fall. This week the ladies raked up the leaves and we had a bonfire. Complete with marshmallows. Good work ladies. We'll do it again next week...
Josephine has curly hair. It's just adorable. This week for church, though, she decided she wanted it straight and Rachel obliged. Which do you like better?

First picture: Charlotte is reading Charlotte's Web with her class. She's read books before, but, this one was exciting because she was the center of attention, since she shared the name in the title. She says she's the spider of her classroom! Charlotte even brought her own copy of the book to class (a Christmas gift from her grandparents last year.) When her class is finished with the book, they'll watch the movie. Second picture: Jay and "K" and I went to the grocery store this week. I filled the cart, and Jay had to be a big boy -- he had to walk AND hold the cart. This was his first time and he was great. Such the little man.
1 screams from the fans...:
Aw they always look so big when they start to hold the cart!!!
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