The cute kid quote of the night goes to Samantha - (age 9):
Sitting down right next to me on the couch, and laying her head on my shoulder - "You know you smell like a mom." I asked if that was a good thing, and she said, "For you it is, Mom." Thanks Samantha; I think...
29 September 2008
She said, she said ...
28 September 2008
Soccer Update ------------
Somewhat Useless Information
I found this cool little tidbit on my cousin's blog (thanks, Liz) and it brings up a little something about me and my family. As you can see below, there should be about 114 people with the name Tina Ball. My maiden name is Tina Brumbley, so I tried that, too. The funny part is that it said that there are one or fewer people named Tina Brumbley. This might not sound funny to anyone else, but, it is funny in my family because I was Tina Brumbley. My sister in law is Tina Brumbley. My brother's first wife was named Kristina Brumbley. My maiden name was Christina Brumbley. My other brother's wife is Kris Brumbley. And no, we do not, any of us, have any children named Tina, Christina or Kris!
Try your name, too. | ||
24 September 2008
Free Day Out!!!!!!!!
A friend of mine (thanks, Shauna) sent me a great tip in an email, so I wanted to pass it along -
If you're looking for a FREE way to spend the day with the family and kids check this out, Saturday September 27 is National Museum day, the site will show you what museums in your area are participating!! Hope you enjoy!! Click here for participating museums in your area!!!
23 September 2008
Amazing Race Season 13!!!!
19 September 2008
Soccer Season Has Begun

Time Out
Last weekend I was able to leave four out of five kids at home with James (thanks Babe, love you!) and go away for two days and spend it in St. Louis at Time Out For Women. This is a conference sponsered by Deseret Books and includes many Latter-day Saint authors, speakers and artists. It was much more musical than I expected, although very uplifting and refreshing. Thirteen of us traveled together, with two nursing infants, up to the conference. The biggest message I took away from the weekend was that if you are doing your best, then that is good enough. Our Father in Heaven sees your efforts and knows your trials and even when we think we have no strength left, He will fortify us to press on. It's all endure to the end! Plus, enjoy the little moments. Cherish your kids and their sense of wonder. Take the time to be fascinated by nature, by music, by our blessings and by our Divine Creator. Pause every chance you can to be thankful for the beauty and wonder that is our world. And, rememeber to breathe deeply. Thanks, friends, for helping make it a great weekend and a satisfying Time Out For Women!
She said, she said ....
08 September 2008
Hole In The Wall
We watched a new show at our house - it's called Hole In The Wall. Basically, the players stand in a narrow playing zone while a wall comes toward them with a cut-out shape. They players get points by fitting through the hole in the wall. If they don't fit, or are in the wrong position, they are swept off of the playing zone into a shallow pool. Sometimes it was one guy, sometimes three. The winners, after three rounds, get $25,000!!! In a bonus round, the team picks one player, who stands in front of the moving wall - blindfolded! - while his team tells him how to position himself to make it through the wall. For that success, the team gets $100,000!! It was NBC, I think.
06 September 2008
::::: THE DOME :::::
WARNING - Tons of Pictures; longest post ever!
Look what our family DID!

Rachel was the best help of all the ladies, so we let her have a treat - jumping from the dome to the trampoline. We've since moved the two far enough away from each other that this is not the norm in the backyard - but it was fun.

03 September 2008
The Baby Ate My Homework ...
Rachel was doing her homework on the front room floor and over rolls Baby Jay (he hasn't quite learned how to steer himself, but rolling around has brought new horizons into view...). He grabs her papers, and thrusts them into his mouth. Luckily he grabbed the pile that were just to bring home. Rachel decided that this yellow one with the holes in it might make a good start on a halloween mask.
01 September 2008
School Is Back In Session

Samantha is a pro already, since she is in the fourth grade now. This year was new for her, though, because since we moved across town last Christmas, she is beginning this school year at her new school. Still no problems for her. She makes friends so easily and already has discovered that going to a school one block away means that all the other kids who are walkers live really close to you. Playdates for Samantha have picked up since school started!