30 May 2008
26 May 2008
23 May 2008

08 May 2008
Little Man
We Did It, Finally ....
After years of listening to the ladies beg and plead, we gave in. It's time for a family pet. Introducing - drum roll building here -
Codi-dog and Sheila-pup.
Codi is the large one, part border collie and part great pyrenees. He is only four months old and is huge. He is already up to my knee. Since he's a playful kid and full of energy, he was tackling the kids in the backyard and nipping at them. He wasn't drawing blood, but, he did bite holes in our clothes and it hurts when he's nipping at your bare ankles. James intervened before we shipped poor innocent Codi back to his previous owner and said he just needs some training. So, Rae and Sam went to dog obedience school, care of Dad. This helped a little, but, in the end, our solution was to get Codi a playmate. Enter Sheila.
Sheila is the smaller one, a six month old Australian shepherd. She is full of energy, too, and that works for everyone. The two of them tackle each other all over the backyard and are usually found napping together in the mid-afternoon, under the trampoline.
Codi and Sheila are outside dogs, but we have assured the kids that the dogs can hide in the garage if the tornado siren goes off again. Occasionally, we have let them in the house to 'visit' and teach them to sit and lay in the house. This is also their opportunity to guard their youngest charge, Jay, who doesn't get out to the backyard as much as his sisters, yet. I have discovered that letting the dogs in at 6 am is also a good way to get the ladies up for the day...
Here you can get a good look at Sheila-pup head on. See her eyes? The right is brown and the left is blue! Codi-dog here, too with his favorite toy - a towel - now full of holes. He loves it when you drape it over his head and he finds his way out.
06 May 2008
RACHEL the Blogger

02 May 2008
And I quote ... ha ha ha
I found this on the blog of a blog. A blog once removed. However the jargon goes.
My LDS friends will find it funny (I hope); my non-LDS friends might have some questions, so just e-mail me and I'll explain it all...
"This list was read at our Elders Quorum date-night party on Feb. 10, 2007...and by popular demand...I have posted the following:
Top Ten Reasons To Have A Mormon President
By David Alvord
10. So that the "National Cathedral" can be renamed the "National Tabernacle".
9. So NASA will comission a satellite to hie to Kolob.
8. The Secret Service will be changed to the Sacred Service.
7. So that all official government prayers will include the phrase: "that we all get home safely".
6. So that Napoleon Dynamite's endorsement does more that get Pedro elected.
5. To have a President who can not only explain things in Layman's terms but also in Lemuel's terms.
4. An exchange of presidential pardons for 100% home teaching.
3. Finally a President who can not only pronounce the word "nuclear", but can also say "mahonri-moriancumr" and "maher-shalal-hash-baz".
2. So that at his inauguration he will place his hand on the Bible "as far as it is translated correctly".
1. AND, to have a first family large enough to occupy all the rooms of the White House."