30 June 2022

Splash - June 2022

The splash for June 2022 is taken at Samantha's new apartment - she has a one bedroom place in Chestertown.  No air conditioning, rickety steps that make you questions your life choices and a cute red refrigerator.  She's got it all.  It's minutes by bike from her work, and steps from the walking trail through town.  Right on, Samantha.  And yes, JMichael is on crutches.  More on that, and Samantha's apartment, in other posts.
And here is Ezamay - do not be fooled by the mean mug - this girl wins hearts with her smile.  The other day, Charlotte and I were at the grocery store with Ezamay, who is walking along and holding the cart.  We turned a corner in the store, and passed another lady in the new aisle.  Ezamay turned to her mom, and said, loud and clear - she cute!  Charlotte and I laughed, but, I don't think the lady understood Ezamay or paid her any mind more than a smile.  But, to Charlotte and to me, Ezamay was expressing her opinion - she cute!


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