27 December 2018

Charlotte is Sixteen.....Wait, What?

Charlotte was born on December 27, 2002.  That may seem like yesterday to me, but, it was sixteen years ago.  Sixteen short, intense years of a willful, beautiful, stubborn, sweet, sensitive and precocious child feeling her way through this world - and making it her own.  She is an athlete, a tender-hearted sympathizer and she fiercely protects her own.  We have had many a sleepless night over this lady of ours - why?  Because she is a Queen - Charlotte Lareine.  We named her queen Charlotte and that was providence.  I remind her constantly how divine she is - how strong - how precious.  Sometimes she fights with us.  Sometimes she spurs us on.  Always she is Queen Charlotte.

She is pictured here on her sixteenth birthday - in DC - with Rachel, who took her out for the day.  On Rachel's right is Matt Barkley, her boyfriend.  On Charlotte's left is Markel Norfleet, her boyfriend.  Rachel took Charlotte to the Smithsonian and out to eat, with the "boys". 

Charlotte excels at making people feel at ease.  She is fearless and as at home on the stage as one-on-one.  Her laugh is contagious and she sings in the shower loudly enough for the cows to hear.  She is in the tenth grade and we are having issues with her grades, not turning in her work, not going to class, not caring about performance.  Her cutting resurfaced earlier this year, and is under control again, but, is still a constant worry.  We have investigated changing her schools, changing her medications, changing her schedule.  The only thing I would never change is Charlotte.  She is worth every struggle.  Happy Sixteenth, baby girl.  Your real sweet sixteen present will come in March - stay tuned!

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