Josephine Lisette Ball was born on a warm October day in 2004. I specifically remember telling our surgeon that our newest daughter's name would be Josephine Lisette and she was thrilled. Her name was also French -Simone - and she was excited to welcome another Francophile into the world.
For Joey's birthday, we invited two of her friends over to paint her name, which will hang on her wall once we get them painted - long term project. Pitured below we have Keira, J. Michael, Korell, and the birthday girl.

At nine, Josephine is still quite the gymnast (self taught, 100%, we have to get this girl on a team) and she loves to create her monster high house - a whole house of furniture for her monster high dolls, which she has made herself from stuff she finds around the house. Literally, finds. For example, the bunk beds for the warewolf twin sisters are made out of a stepstool. It's pretty amazing.
Josephine likes school; she's a great reader; she's a K-Kid (service organization at school for kids who demonstrate leadership qualities). She hates to fix her own food and will do your chores if you make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She has an imagination a mile wide, but, no desire to cook. Josephine's stand out quality is curiosity. She asks questions constantly. Con. Stant. Ly. She can't get enough. Never stop Josephine - we love you.
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