Spring Break, 2012 -- Okay, so I'm a little late with this. But I'm telling ya, the busier you are, the less time you have to blog and the more stories you have to share. Story of my life...
This is the view from atop
Mt. Pinnacle, which rises 1,011 feet above the Arkansas River. Our friends, the Hazeslips, hiked to the top and Rachel, with her friend Lindsey, and Charlotte, with her friend Sydney, got to come along. It's hard work, but the view from the top is spectacluar, don't you agree? How sweet of them to climb it for us and share the view.
Another day I took the little three to the big city - Little Rock. There's a trolley ride through the downtown area (free; gotta love free) and you can get off and back on whenever you want to. We crossed the Arkansas River, heard all about the older buildings and generally enjoyed an afternoon ride.
We found a great park with an oversized Indian head (Joey does love a silly pose, huh?), a spiderweb climbing thingy, and....

This tunnel slide is about one story high! There's a huge log next to it, with notches cut into it, so that the kids climb up and do it again. Jay Michael had a huge time. One bad part about this park is this - see how the kids can slide down, and if they choose not to come stright back up the log, there are tunnels and ladders to get back up to the top of the slide level. I literally lost the little ladies, because they were playing in the tunnels and kept popping up in different tubes. This is great fun, no doubt, if you are 9 and 7. For a Mom, it's a little unsettling.
We crossed a walking bridge over the Arkansas River to get to the park. On the walk, Joey found this - a homeless man's home. It is nestled down in the girders of the bridge sturcture. (That's the river at the top of the picture.) He'd be protected from the wind, encased on all sides, except the top, so he wouldn't roll off into the river. Secure, but, sad. We had a good talk about it.
Samantha had a trip to the lake for three days with her friend Laura. No pictures from her.