With the COVID19 pandemic officially ruling our lives, we are slightly changed. You'll notice Rachel and Samantha in this splash picture are standing way back and wearing masks. We are not supposed to be within six feet of anyone. Families, of course, who live together, are not required to separate from each other, but, when the big ladies come to see us, this is what they do - stay away, wear a mask.
So our governor, Larry Hogan, has mandated that Marylanders shelter in place. For our family, this has been an adjustment. Governor Hogan closed the schools in order to slow the spread of COVID. This means JMichael did not have a soccer season, even though he tried out for a traveling team, the team was disbanded and the program canceled. Josephine, who had been asked to a military ball by an ROTC freshman, did not get to wear her pretty new gown and be all fancied up. The dance was canceled. Charlotte has not been able to watch kids to earn money and she is without her seemingly ever constant group of friends. Samantha lost her job at the gym (Governor Hogan closed all restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and venues) and even though she's jumped through all of Maryland's hoops, she can't get her license since the MVA will not do driving tests. Rachel is still working, but, cannot see the boy she's been dating, because he lives in Delaware. He only lives fifteen miles away, but, non-essential personnel are not supposed to cross state lines.

So the little ladies do work out sessions using their phones on the back deck.
We go for walks up and down our street to get some fresh air and sunshine.
This is a sculpture in the front yard of a house in town. These people have a sense of humor. Face coverings are required to be in public.
Grocery stores look like this. Once toilet paper was scarce and now you can find it occasionally. Trucks are still running and people are not seeming to panic like they were at first. Josephine is always happy when I can find her pot pies. Grocery stores, pharmacies and banks are considered essential so they are open, but, customers are counted and you must have your face covered.
Restaurants offer drive up and curbside service, and delivery. This was the line for lunch at Chick-Fil-A. The Governor specifically said that restaurants and bars can deliver drinks, beer and liquor now, so they don't go under during this pandemic. The world is a little bit crazy.
So I work from home; I go in every now and then when something there requires it. I carry on as best I can with the technology I have been given. The firm gave me a laptop and a printer to use from home, and I can connect with everyone else in the firm via the server in Baltimore, and via email, cell phone and Zoom.
We "see" the big ladies on the weekends. Usually that means talking on our back deck at the house, but, this time we met at Sonic in Bridgeville, DE, cause neither of us has a Sonic in our hometowns, and we sat outside and chatted and ate. This, for the record, is Ezamay's first time at Sonic.
We have telehealth appointments on GoogleDuo. We order supper from restaurants and we cannot use the library. JMichael receives a packet of work every Thursday and we turn it in to his teachers. Josephine was doing ninth grade online anyway, so she is right on course. The ladies talk about going to King's Dominion this summer and I just say, we will see when it's open, if it's open.
My birthday we were supposed to go see a movie - canceled. James and I have been lately in the habit of getting a hotel room once a month, just to get uninterrupted couple space - canceled. Churches are closed. Funerals are held as virtual receptions online. Marriages? I don't know how they are doing them, but, I'm sure it's just not the same. And I'm not sure how long we will be this way.
Shelter - in - place. Be safe.