07 March 2015

Rachel is 17 - almost.....

Rachel has been growing - in so many ways - but today I will talk about how her hair has been growing.  She is in 11th grade, but, hasn't cut her hair since fourth grade.  Today was the day - not for a hair cut.  Today, Rachel got dredlocks.

Dreds for white girls are not too complicated.  We found an African hair braiding shop in Little Rock that would take her on.  Her hair is so thick and so long and she was pretty excited to get dreds.  We decided that her birthday week should start off with a bang. 

The before shots - lots and lots of hair.

Six hours later!  Dreds and layers!  More birthday fun to come for the soon to be 17 year old!
And after she played with it and added some beads.

0 screams from the fans...: