13 September 2014


The girls in our church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) participate in a program called Activity Day Girls.  From the ages of 8 through 12, the girls meet twice a month to do projects and activities that promote the values of service, preparedness and integrity.  Today we attended the Mother/Daughter activity and we had a sweet time.  And lunch - chicken salad croissants, watermelon and ice cream sundaes.  Yum.
Above we have Charlotte showing the candy gram she made - she made hers for her Dad and was so excited to get home and give it to him.  Josephine made one for our friends the Kuykendalls, about Joey's birthday party next week - more on that later.  The second picture is Josephine losing to me in the minute to win it games - we played games with candy and marshmallows - all things sugar.  We also went to a class on preparing a Family Home Evening lesson on M&M's.  Lots of sweet treats.
This is the group shot of the sweet girls from our ward.
Standing from left to right we see:
Atira S., Charlotte, Jayden G., Tallin B., Maddie A.
Kneeling in front:  Josephine, Kira S., and Maddie S.
And me - with my two sweet Activity Girls.
Dag, Charlie is so tall....

0 screams from the fans...: