James has lived in a dozen states, he's worked nights, weekends and nine-to-five jobs. He was in the Army, and finished his Bachelor's degree while working full time and had two kids at home. He has been injured so badly that the doctors thought he would not walk again (fell off of a roof!) and he's played basketball with kids at church who could've been his own kids. He loves to be outside, he's played every organized team sport as a kid and many as an adult and is devoted to his professional team favorites (football - the Minnesota Vikings, basketball - the Phoenix Suns and baseball - the Texas Rangers). James loves to play golf and once spent two full weeks playing course after course with his Dad as they traveled from Washington State to Louisiana. He will ride any roller coaster and loves a challenge. He beat me the first time we played chess.
James is a people person and loves his job meeting and helping strangers all day. He likes cars, too, especially the 1970 Chevy Camaro and his favorite color is purple. He is allergic to cats and doesn't care much for my fried rice. He says what he thinks and he has an opinion on every subject, but, he'll let anyone else have their own opinion, too. James likes to mow the grass and is used to having animals around. He didn't serve a full-time mission, but, he did serve a mini-mission (remember, they used to do those for the youth - two weeks?)
James makes me think and he makes me laugh. He tells me he married me for my brain and I say I married him for his curly hair. We were born only three months apart, so we have the same frame of reference to life - we remember the same news stories at the same time in life and we listened to the same music and did a lot of the same things. He gets me and I get him and I knew from the first date that we would spend our lives together. He's the kind of husband that lets me do what I think is best and I know he's always on my side.
So while I may blog more here on the ladies and Jay and the day to day moments that make up our lives, I can't ever forget that I have a wonderful basis for it all - the other half of me that brought all this wonderful controlled chaos to life - my Bo, my King James the First.
2 screams from the fans...:
So sweet. Yes, I am posting my first comment. I am not sure why I chose to comment on your post about your husband, nor do I know why I am doing it at 10:40pm when I should be sleeping, but I thought I would finally post a comment since I read your blog, but never post. Here it is my first comment! Kim
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