Rachel is seated, second from the right.
Rachel is seated, second from the right.
So we finally got the results back on Jay's allergy bloodwork. I had to do a little research on how to read it, but, here's the breakdown: Jay is allergic to peanuts, all tree nuts (this includes cashews, pecans, walnuts, almonds...), eggs, and DOGS! Yes, dogs. Didn't see that one comin'.
Our family lives less than a block from an elementary school. What a plus for a family with five kids under the age of twelve! I highly recommend it. I digress...
Our two that attend that school ride their bikes or walk everyday, so I only take our middle-schooler to school in the mornings. We actually only live about a mile from that school, and she wants to ride her bike, but, it's so busy with cars and buses that I just don't let her.
Every day, and I mean every day, we see the same sight - a mom and daughter walking to school together. The mom carries the backpack and the daughter walks beside her. I also see the mom walking home alone while I am exiting the school. Every day.
Rachel (11) commented on this sight this morning. She said, "Mom, you would never do that." She's absolutely right. I wouldn't, and I don't. I think it's wonderful that this mom dotes on her daughter. I think it's wonderful that they have that time together every day. I can only assume that she does the same in the afternoons (I wouldn't know, though, because I make my daughter ride the bus home).
After I dropped Rae at the door of her school, she walked in with a friend she saw and they were busy chatting about whatever middle school girls chat about. She's fine; she's independent and she's secure. Should I be doting on her more? Does she understand why I don't dote on her the way she sees that other mom doting on her daughter? Will she raise secure, independent daughters?
I will see that mom again tomorrow, walking her daughter to school, carrying her backpack for her daughter and wonder. Maybe, I think, this mom is there to remind me that she can raise her daughter her way and I can raise mine my way. We all know our children and our capabilities the best. I cannot second guess her, and I should not doubt myself. Neither should you.
Jay has been showing plenty of allergic reactions, but, one thing is for certain: you give this boy an apple and set him in his chair and he will be a happy man to the core. Pun intended.
On a more serious note, we have seen severe reactions to eggs and peanuts. So, anyone feeding my children please be aware. Give the ladies anything you want (and they'll eat it) but, with our Prince James, ask me first! He reacts still to unknown foods and seems to always have a rash.
Rachel is our artist. She loves to doodle and draw. She has been taking some art lessons after school and she posted some of her paintings a while back on her own blog - Eldest of Five. You can see that post here. Well, this week was the school's Art Show and Rachel was sure that a girl in her class, named "H", would win. "H" is a great artist, too, and Rachel had decided going into it that second place after "H" would be satisfying enough.
As we walked down her hallway at school, where all the watercolor paintings hung, a girl was running back up the hallway saying, "Rachel, Rachel, come see! You won!" Rachel looked back at me, pushing the stroller behind her, with a smile that spoke volumes. Her smile said to me - "Mom, did you hear that? I won!" With that smile she took off down the hall with her friend and just starred at her ribbon. First place, Rachel. You won first place!
Fifth Grade Art Show, May 09
Here we have Samantha on the school bus. Last week her fourth grade class went on a field trip to the State Capitol Building and then to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock. Samantha reports that it was fun and she liked the Museum the best. James, who chaperoned, reports that being a fourth grader is exhausting. He learned a lot about the Capitol
Building, facts that went right through the heads of the fourth graders, to be sure. For example, the chandelier in the main hall weighs 4,000 pounds! The marble in the walls and staircase came from three different US states - VT, CO and AL. Fourth grade rocks. Get it? Rocks?